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Women in Science Support Network
To create a supportive network for women in STEM disciplines that will increase opportunities for women to occupy at least 50% of new positions projected for STEM disciplines in the Carolinas.


Prof. Natalia Shustova

Prof. Mythreye Karthikeyan

Prof. Linda Shimizu

Prof. Sheryl Wiskur

Prof. Caryn Outten
Graduate Students and Postdoctoral Associates from the following departments:
Math, Earth and Ocean Sciences, Geology, Chemistry and Biochemistry, Biology, Pathology, Psychology, Microbiology and Immunology, Pharmacology, Physiology and Neuroscience, etc.

Prof. Dmitry Peryshkov

Prof. Andrew Greytak

Dr. Archana Varadaraj

Prof. Morgan Stefik

Dr. Brett Fellows
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